Tuesday, January 30, 2007

10 things I do to Brighten my life!

1. Listen to a CD of my favorite songs and sing as loud as I can until I'm laughing
2. Talk with your Best Friend or Sister
3. Eat your favorite Treat
4.Laugh and Play with my baby
5.Watch my favorite Shows
6.Go window shopping
8. Go over and cook with my mom
9. Go get Fries and Fry Sauce that can change any mood
10. Be with my husband and talk and laugh

Sunday, January 28, 2007

My Cute Allie Baby!

This is my Beautiful Allie on her Blessing Day. That was my blessing dress except for the shoes I bought those for her.....they are Pink!

This is Allie with Perky her cuddly Pig just like her mom!

Allie is obsessed with this hat the first time I put it on her she didn't want me to take it off. She's not dumb its to freezing to take your hat off
This dress was given to Allie for Christmas from her cousin Chad.....He has good taste don't you think
This is Allie only a couple of minutes old isn't she a doll.

I love Allie in Bows she is so girly and cute
OH so hungry but Daddy is so snuggly
I loved this Watermelon outfit on Allie but for some reason every time she wore it she ALWAYS got poop on it........Oh her cute Aunt Lena gave her this

Friday, January 26, 2007

Giggles and Grins!

Today is a good day to be a Mom. Allie has been so sweet. I didnt feel very good this morning so I told Allie to snuggle with mom on the bed because Mom wasnt feel very well and Allie just grabed my face and sang the way she knows how to sing because thats what I do when Allie isnt feeling very well. I love it that Allie copies me and tries to do the things I do. Yesturday I waved good bye to her Uncle James and she tried to do it to. My absoult favorite thing that Allie does though is while she is eating she pets me or holds on to my shirt and after awhile when her belly is full she will pull off and smile at me.

Allie means Smiling and she lives up to her name !

Thursday, January 25, 2007

1, 2, skip a few 99, 100

Do you ever wish that there were multiples of you? I wish that I could have the Amy that is Jason’s Wife, Allies Mom, the perfect Daughter, the sister that can do everything, the friend that is always there, the perfect daughter-in-law, the wonderful granddaughter, The favorite Aunt, the cute niece. the cool cousin, the maid, the chef, the amazing visiting teacher, the greatest primary chorister, the workaholic, the crafty wiz, the talented musician, the organized freak, the nice neighbor, the one that is always there for you, and the Amy that can be crazy and fun. The crazy and fun Amy is the one and most people fell in love with. I am sorry to say that usually you get the Amy in pure chaos. The Amy that has no clue what she is doing with herself. She knows she has the potential of doing many great things but can’t seem to get out of her funk. I am sorry for this. I hate that I am needy right now. I know I am not a very uplifting person to be around right now but until I can figure out how to be all of those Amy’s at the same time or at least know how to juggle them around. I will be the Amy that has no clue what she is doing with herself.

Monday, January 15, 2007

100 Random things about Me!

!. I am an Alien from the planet Tuifongu
2. Friends is my all time favorite show I can watch it over and over and it never gets boring
3. I have played the violin for 17 years and I can barely read notes but if I hear a song 3 times I can play almost all of it
4. In college I took tap dancing and wish I could still take it weekly
5. I want to learn how to do cake decorating professionally
6. I love singing and dancing in the car especially when it makes people stare at me
7. I really only went to 1 and half years of High School because I sluffed so much
8. I love being the youngest child because they get away with everything
9. I wish I were a stronger person
10. I have sung on TV and Radio I also am on one of Kurt Besters CD’s and sang on many LDS movies such as Testaments
11. I caught the bouquet at all my sister’s weddings
12. I got average grades in high school then I went to college and got straight A’s
13. I have been to Chile and wish I could go back someday
14. I love scrapbooking but am horrible at the journaling part
15. I hope that when my kids grow up that my house is the cool house to hang out at and my kids friends will think I am the cool mom

16. Johnny Depp is my McDreamy
17.I think my brother is a better singer then I am and hate to admit it
18.I Love Dr. Pepper it is the juice of the gods
19. I can sing the alphabet backwards and all 50 states in alphabetical order and am proud of it
20. I can clean showers really well and don’t mind cleaning them when its not mine own
21.I got a pig for Christmas when I was 5 her name is piglet and I slept with her all growing up……she still sleeps under my pillow
22. Red is my favorite color then pink, blue and green
23. I have the most nicknames out of everyone in my family and I have the shortest first name
24. I make up songs to sing to my nieces and nephews and now started singing to my daughter her smile melts me when she hears my voice
25. I hate people who talk on their cell phone while they are checking out at the store
26. I am addicted to the Internet…maybe it’s a good thing I don’t have it at home
27. I have been in many choirs in my life. Salt Lake Childrens Choir, Highlites, Concert Choir, SLCC Ensemble, SLCC Concert Choir and a couple more I cant think of right now
28. I have worn glasses since I was 6 and to be honest I hate them but I am legally blind without them
29. I love my feet they are the one thing on my body that has always looked good, except when I was pregnant
30.I have to eat Katchup with my steak it just tastes better
31. I hate almost all the smells of lotions, candles and perfumes they make me sick
32. I collect Barbie’s and have over 40 of them
33. I cant drive a stick shift even though 5 people have tried to teach me….it stresses me out
34. Matilda was the first whole novel I ever read all by myself and I was in 7 grade but I said I read the whole thing to my teacher in 5th grade

35.I am afraid of Sponges

36.I use to blame everything on Nik when I was little….Nik did it!
37.When I was little I use to tell my parents that I had to go to the bathroom just so I could see what it looked like
38. If I had the money my wardrobe would look very different
39. I love to rip paper
40. Monet is my favorite Artist
41. If I could and it was healthy I would eat out once a day
42. I have a really hard time getting to sleep I am usually awake until at least midnight or later
43. I hate it when people don’t use their blinkers when they drive
44. I am the worst speller
45. I copy my older sisters a lot but that’s what little sisters are for right
46. I love the ocean and wish I could see and feel it rush over my feet more often
47. I have written songs that no one has heard, not even my husband
48. I use to talk to my tape recorder when I was little
49. I am very well known for my storytelling
50. I took Tennis lessons for two summers when I was little
51. I love walking barefoot in the park
52. I have a strange obsession with Candy but not alot of chocolate just a little bit

53. I have my ears pierced but I only wear earrings about 12 times a year
54. I love Cheese I could eat it with every meal....even the stinky ones

55. Fall is my favorite season I love all the colors of the world
56. I hope that someday I live by the Ocean but I am also afraid to move to far away from my family
57. My best friend and I wanted to have a cooking show when we were little and I was going to be the lady that makes the yummy noises
58. Flip Flops are the best shoes in the world
59. 21 is my favorite number
60.I don’t eat pork or ham but I will eat bacon and sometimes sausage
61.I said I would never like Harry Potter when it first became a huge craze then my sister made me go to the movie now I am a Harry Potter FREAK!! Thanks Lou
62. I’m afraid to try new foods at my favorite restaurants…..I always get what I know I will like for sure
63. Today Special was my favorite show as a kid
64. I still have baby teeth in my mouth actually most of them are baby teeth and I don’t have teeth under them
65. I love popping zits
66. I have a hard time keeping my house clean
67. I eat peanut butter on my pancakes and waffle so does most my family
68. My favorite board game is Settlers of Catan
69. My favorite time of day is in the morning when I get to play with Allie
70. I watch the Price is Right almost every Morning
71. I wish I was a better actress and could be in more plays
72. I need at least 20 minutes to myself a day to be sane
73. I hate Lord of the Rings
74. Roses are my favorite flower
75. I hate Café Rio
76. Someday I hope to be organized
77. Christmas is my favorite time of year…..because everyone becomes a Santa Clause!
78. I had bright red hair when I was 3 then went blonde
79. I hate doing the things that are expected of you
80. I love wearing hoodies
81. I love the names Gretta and Scott
82. I knew that Jason and I would be friends forever when we met
83. I miss my cat Agnus. She was the sweetest cat I have ever met
84. I could eat Chinese food every day
85. I love crafting
86. Most of my friends are Male
87. My Husband and I dream of owning the biggest DVD collection in our families
89. I own all 10 seasons of Friends YAY!!

90. It is true what woman say it is hard being a mom sometimes
91. I was Aunt Eller in Oklahoma in 9th grade
92. Mozart and Vivaldi are my favorite composers
93. I can crochet the edges of a fleece blanket in 2 1\2 hours
94. I’m a sucker for infomercials
95. I love the willow tree people
96. I would like to learn how to do stained glass windows
97. I love reading books with my Baby Allie
98. I love post-it notes
99. I love to snuggle and when I was little I called my feety PJ’s my snuggles and now Allie gets to wear them. She is so lucky
100. I feel so lucky to be apart of the LDS Church and am glad that I found my testimony

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

These are a few of my Favorite things.....

DR. PEPPER.....Juice of the Gods
HOODIES!!!!!!!!!! they just make me happy especally when they are RED!!

Beauty and the Beast enough said

Chinese Food is the only constent food I crave I could eat it all the time and never get tired of it.

Piglests OH SO CUTE!!!!

@#%$&!% CARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok I am offically done with my car it is time to drive it off a cliff. If one more thing goes wrong with this car I am going to scream. I can NEVER find the parts and when I do they cost billions of dollars. I cant take it anymore I am done.................I wish my car still looked like that but No

I wish I could talk to Pigs

Ever since I can remember I loved Pigs expecially piglets. They are so cute and pink and make the funniest noises. This year for christmas I felt alittle bad for Allie because she got alot of pigs from people because her mom loves them but my fear is that she will hate them because she has so many of them.....I guess that is a crazy fear Pigs are so cute how could you not at least like the stuffed animal ones.