Five Alive!
5 years ago I was ... Going to School at SLCC painting Drama sets and working at the worst job I have ever had......Larry Foot.. Cleaning.....AHHHHHHH bad memories
5 months ago I was ... Only had 427 hours at school and felt like I would never get to 2000 hours and had a weird Thanksgiving
5 hours ago I was ... Talking to Kirstin on the phone and telling her about my fun day
5 minutes ago I was ... Reading Aubbies and Lenas Blogs
5 things on my 'to do' list today: Homework, Um Homework and did I mention Homework
5 recent pieces of mail I've received: Ensign, Wedding Invite, Bridal shower Invite(that I dont want to go to) Stampin Up Catalog, Bills bills and more bills
5 things I would do if I became a billionaire: Buy a house, a second car, pay off debt, Trust fund for kids, and help anyone who is just trying to make it in the world
5 of my bad habits: Never doing the dishes, forgetting what I have to do minute to minute, Brushing Teeth in morning, cleaning my car, biting my cheeks when I'm stressed
5 good memories: Playing Barbies with Angie, Being Sealed to Jason, Seeing Allie for the first time, Hearing Allie Call me Mom and realizing that was me, Watching Allie dance
5 films I watch over and over again: Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Fried Green Tomatoes, Hairspray, Little Woman
5 places I've lived: East Millcreek with Fam, West Jordan with T, Taylorsville with Shawn, With Jean, SLC My Apt Now..... want to move so want to move
5 songs I love: Love Today, New Soul, Hairspray, Wicked, Beauty and the Beast
5 jobs I've had: Tanning consultant, Checker/bagger, Receptionist, Cutco Rep, Telemarketing
5 things most people don't know about me: I cant eat Hot Dogs anymore, I hated Harry Potter when it first came out but then Lou made me see the light, I hate gas stoves, I refuse to clean out the fridge, umm umm cant think of anything
5 things in my virtual shopping bags: New Couch, SHEARS, I-pod, Laptop Notebook, Ticket to Disneyland
5 books I love to death: The rag coat, the giver, 12 dancing princesses, My Sergei, Anita Stansfeild
5 things that are out of place around my house: Ummm how about I name whats not....I have a 18month old child what do you think
5 films I want to see: Juno, Emma, 21,Miss Pettigrew lives for a day,Indiana Jones
5 things I love to eat: Potato's, Mango's, Stake, Ravioli, yogurt
5 destinations I'm dying to see: Europe, New York, Hawaii, DisneyWorld, Austrelia
5 scents I love: Mom's Bread, Clean Baby, New dolls, Dr. Pepper,Rain
5 people (who are not blood relations or in-laws) who have had a positive impact on my life: Kay C., Ostlers, Violin Teacher D., Mr. Woodward, Sara ( Cosmo Teacher)
I am so glad I help you see the light about Harry Potter. I LOVED being with you and your daughter yesterday. It was so fun. Mmmm, mom's bread sounds so good. fun fun to read as always
I wonder if Nate had anything to do with the Harry Potter thing...still to this day he will not have anything to do with it...
Agreed, Terry Notter is the BOMB! Can't wait for the next movie. This was a fun post Mimi!
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