10 Weird Things about Mimi!
Lena tagged me to do 10 weird Facts about myself and well I had to think really hard about this one because I feel that most people know almost everything about me.
1~ I can do raspberries with my lips, click my tong, hum, rub my belly in circles and pat my head all at the same time
2~ I am the only person in my family to have natural red hair when I was little
3~ One of my biggest dreams is to be on a game show. I would love to be on the new show don’t forget the lyrics or Deal or No Deal
4~ Ok I know this one is weird but very true…The first 4 boys I had a crush on in Jr. High all came out of the closet and now are Gay. Two of them are some of my closest friends.
5~ I remember my dreams almost every night
6~ I have all 10 seasons of Friends…My next TV show I must own is Gilmore Girls
7~ I am a secret Ham lover ever since I had Allie. While I was pregnant I would crave it and now I like it sometimes but I have to be in the mood it’s not something I can eat all the time but I do like it on occasion now. I still can’t eat Pork though it makes me really sick.
8~ I am the worst speller and to be honest I really don’t care.
9~ I hate using big spoons when I eat yogurt I like to use a baby spoon and I have for years. When I moved out I bought some just for my yogurt.
10~ I hate doing my Hair but I Love doing other peoples hair. I know that seems weird going to beauty school but it is true. I have to be in the mood to do my hair and I notice I want to do it when I feel beautiful. That is why I hardly did it while I was pregnant