Tuesday, July 10, 2007

10 Weird Things about Mimi!

Lena tagged me to do 10 weird Facts about myself and well I had to think really hard about this one because I feel that most people know almost everything about me.

1~ I can do raspberries with my lips, click my tong, hum, rub my belly in circles and pat my head all at the same time

2~ I am the only person in my family to have natural red hair when I was little

3~ One of my biggest dreams is to be on a game show. I would love to be on the new show don’t forget the lyrics or Deal or No Deal

4~ Ok I know this one is weird but very true…The first 4 boys I had a crush on in Jr. High all came out of the closet and now are Gay. Two of them are some of my closest friends.

5~ I remember my dreams almost every night

6~ I have all 10 seasons of Friends…My next TV show I must own is Gilmore Girls

7~ I am a secret Ham lover ever since I had Allie. While I was pregnant I would crave it and now I like it sometimes but I have to be in the mood it’s not something I can eat all the time but I do like it on occasion now. I still can’t eat Pork though it makes me really sick.

8~ I am the worst speller and to be honest I really don’t care.

9~ I hate using big spoons when I eat yogurt I like to use a baby spoon and I have for years. When I moved out I bought some just for my yogurt.

10~ I hate doing my Hair but I Love doing other peoples hair. I know that seems weird going to beauty school but it is true. I have to be in the mood to do my hair and I notice I want to do it when I feel beautiful. That is why I hardly did it while I was pregnant

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Happy Wedding James and Jenny!!

Today James and Jenny got Married... James is Jason's brother. It was a beautiful day and very hot in my opinion. I just couldn't resist putting these pics of Allie on my Blog she is so beautiful in this Dress I found at Costco that matched the wedding colors. I love the frills and how girly she looks. The only sad thing was at the end of the night Allie gaged herself with her spoon and threw up all over her beautiful Dress but knowing her it was her plan so she could be Naked. She must have known the PJ's we grabbed her were to small for her.


Friday, July 06, 2007

Attack of the Allie Cat!!!

Allie loves her Dad! She laughs harder with him then with anyone else. Daddy can say Boo and Allie with Laugh. He can make a funny face or play a game but when he does Allie is Belly Laughing. She has a bond with her Dad that she had before she came to this earth. I am so glad that Allie needs her Dad.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

4 of Me 4 of Mimi

4 Jobs You've had:
Forever Bronze – Tanning Salon
Feature Films for Familes

4 Places I've Lived:
East Mill Creek
West Jordan
East Mill Creek again

4 Favorite TV Shows:
Grey's Anatomy
Right now its Hells Kitchen

4 Favorite Foods:

4 Websites you frequent:
My Blog
The Library
Everyone Else's blogs

4 Places I'd rather be right now:
The Beach
Britsh Columbia
Broadway Show

4 Movies you love
Pride and Prejudice
The Notebook
Girls just want to have fun
10 things I hate about you

4 Bloggers you tag to be it next: