Monday, December 10, 2007

Real Simple Interview December

What is the most unusual holiday gift you've ever received?
My best friend Angie gave me a "Wiggles video" when I was 14

Most useless invention?
There is this infomercial on TV right now for a duster. Basically it just spins and you get a life time supply of the dust spray.......useless
What makes you laugh?
Allie makes me laugh everyday, My brother is always good for a laugh. Will Ferrel makes me laugh
Bath or Shower?
Shower I love the feeling of warm water beating on my back If you could change careers now without consequences or financial loss, what would you switch to? I would be a stay at home MOM. I would love to stay and play with Allie all day.
What was your most embarrassing moment? Oh I have many but I would have to stay my Sr. Year of High school I was running late for class and I had a huge stack of music in my arms and I was running through the court yard and when I reached the stairs and I face planted it in them. Music was flying every where and I just got up and ran to class because if I was late one more time I wouldn't graduate. When I walked in my whole class was laughing because they saw it out the window and I had a huge bloody nose....Oh and the Principle was in the court yard and watched the whole thing
Complete the following list of Christmas favorites - song, film and treat. Alright, you can have two favorites in each category.
Song~ Silent Night and On this winters night with you

Film~ Muppet's Christmas Carol is a must , Elf and White Christmas

Treat~ Peppermint Ice Cream and Egg Nog If the Christmas Genie were to grant you three wishes, what would you wish for? (stipulations: endless wishes and world peace are not options - and at least one of your three has to be something completely selfish - for you and only you.)
Wish One~ That we would be out of Debt

Wish Two~ New Wardrobe

Wish Three~ New Home, Town house or condo

The big decision I'm currently wrestling with is . . .
Christmas presents, bills, How we are going to visit everyone on Christmas and Neighbor Gifts


Blogger Nik English said...

LOL Wiggles Video!! That was a big deal....funny that it is a big deal here at my work as well!!

1:28 PM  
Blogger Gatnnos said...

Neighbors don't need gifts!!! And don't stress about who to visit on Christmas - They will get over you not coming! We are going to the beach!

6:46 AM  
Blogger Laurie said...

So funny to read. THe wiggles video goes down in history at our house
Love and miss ya

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's always good to just count your blessings and the rest will work out. Love you!

4:05 PM  

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